Theater De Roode Bioscoop


"A glance inside my melancholic mind’’

Zondag 21 apr. 2024 - 21:00 uur - € 12,50

Known for her sensitive, dreamy voice and honest lyrics, Ar-Jane creates indie music with a melancholic sound. Inspired by Phoebe Bridgers, London Grammar and Florence + The Machine, she writes heartfelt, introspective songs about things living around in her head for too long. Ar-Jane is not afraid to expose herself and through this way she pulls the audience into her story. In 2023 she released her debut EP called 'Leaving Shadows Behind', played as the support act of Selah Sue and collaborated with the Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw. These show big promises for 2024, with new music on its way.

"A glance inside my melancholic mind’’. Dit biedt Ar-Jane met haar dromerige stem en openhartige teksten. In 2023 verscheen haar melancholische indiepop muziek op de EP ‘’Leaving Shadows Behind’’. Geïnspireerd door Phoebe Bridgers, Pitou en London Grammar schrijft ze introspectieve liedjes over dingen die nét te lang in haar hoofd rondspoken. Ar-Jane wil laten zien dat het oké is om gevoelig te zijn, want kwetsbaarheid is kracht.
In 2023 stond ze in het voorprogramma van Selah Sue en volgde er een samenwerking met het Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw.

Daan Lomeijer
- Bass guitar 
Jon Reintjens
- Drums
Sven Lijssen
- Keys
Arjanne Beukers
- Vocals

Please note that members of the audience may be recorded on video and may appear in online publications or on local TV station AT5.